Monday, April 14, 2014

Stressed and Blessed

     I was sitting here thinking about the past 48 hours and i can only shake my head and thank God for watching over me and my family. Whenever I get too overwhelmed with reality I escape into my old movies and let them take me to another place. Gone With The Wind is my favorite movie whenever I feel stressed and ready to bust at the seams. I also watch black and white movies until I can't keep my eyes open. Breaking All the Rules keeps me laughing and The Wedding Planner is my hopeless romantic movie. Lol. 

     I stress about a lot of things that I can't control, I know its not good for me but I can't help it. I worry about my kids and bills and I stress about my health but I'm truly blessed and thankful that God has kept me this far. I read about things going on in the world and how some parents don't appreciate their children, faults and all. I'm just glad that I can walk and talk and have the right frame of mind. I pray that I am able to help those that I can and be able to receive that same help when I need it. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Year

I am going to start writing something everyday, just random thoughts and my take on the daily news and current events. See ya soon.